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Does Size REALLY Matter?

Thursday, June 20, 2024

This morning I was listening to a podcast by Dr. Andy Galpin called Perform. Being the meat head that I am, I enjoy learning about the physiology of the body.

Today, Andy was talking about muscle, and he made an important distinction that caught my attention...

When most people think about muscle, they primarily think about muscle SIZE (you thought I was talking about the size of something else, didn't you? Get your mind out of the gutter).

Men typically want bigger muscles, so they hit the weight room to make it happen.

Women don't like getting big and bulky, so they tend to stray from lifting heavy weights so they don't look too masculine (which can't happen for women, by the way. It's physiologically impossible. Lift heavy weights.)

The thing is, just because someone has big muscles, doesn't mean they have quality muscles.

Quality muscle tissue allows you function at a high level, perform at a high level when you need to, and protects you against the physical rigors of life.

If you look at many "meat heads" in the gym, their muscles usually do not function at a high level and the definitely do not allow them to perform at a high level.

All that to say, quantity is not always you should be shooting for...more muscle, more house, more food, more money.

If you're not also focusing on quality, there's a good chance you'll find yourself unfulfilled in the end.


Where in your life are you sacrificing quality of quantity? You may end up finding a huge sticking point in your happiness.

Until next time, get out there and step into growth...


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