Wednesday, September 25, 2024
I'm in the process of reading Gary Keller's book, The One Thing...
In the chapter titled "Live by Priority", Gary's trying to help us understand the importance of doing the MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do RIGHT NOW...
He says...
"What you do in any given moment determines what you experience in the next. Your "present now" and all "future nows" are undeniably determined by the priority you live in the moment. The deciding factor in determining how you set that priority is by who wins the battle between your present and future selves.*"
*Emphasis mine
That last sentence basically explains why so many people fail in life...
They let their present self destroy their future self...
They decide to do what's easy in the moment in complete sacrifice for their success in the future.
If you can understand and embrace this idea, then use it to your advantage, you will always win...full stop.
Until next time, here's to your 1% growth every day...
P.S. Q4 of 2024 is just around the corner. Grab your free 90-day Action Planner and keep your prioritize in line for the rest of the year to finish up strong.