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Have You Been Sleeping For 6 Months?

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

At the gym this morning I heard the radio host expressing their surprise that half the year was already gone.

You may have felt the same way when you woke up yesterday and realized it was July 1st.

You may have also had the thought that you won't be able to achieve the resolution or goal you've set for 2024 because you haven't even started it yet.

This is one of the downfalls of thinking as time as a calendar...we tend to have a scarcity mindset about it.

In other words, when we think "I only have 6 months left in the year so there's no reason for me to start my goal", we're limiting our thinking and, therefore, limiting our potential.

However, when you realize that time is a made up construct, and that your goal is going to take the same amount of time and effort to pursue whether you start it today or January 1st of 2025, then you start to think more rationally.

Because time as we know it will continue to relentlessly move forward every single day at the same rate whether it's July 1st or January 1st.

So why wait to get started when time could care less what part of the year it is?


Start...for goodness sake...just freakin' START!

Until next time, you know what to do...


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