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It's Time to Finish Strong

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

In case you haven't noticed, it's October already...

And it's during these last 3 months of the year that most people go into coast-mode.

They start getting lazy in their training...

They start getting loose with their diet...

They start getting lousy with their effort.

So, since everyone else is going to be taking it easy, if you just keep up the same pace you're currently going at, you'll gain ground and likely pass the rest of the crowd...

You don't even necessarily have to work just have to stay CONSISTENT...

Because everyone else will find every reason NOT to stay consistent.

Now, of course I'm always a fan of finding ways to go completely against the grain, which may entail goes balls-to-the-wall for the 4th quarter, but I'm a bit of a masochist at times.

That doesn't have to be you, but at least keep your pace up through the end of the year...

That way, when 2025 rolls around and everyone has to take a month just to get started again, your momentum is already full speed ahead.

Until next time, here's to your 1% growth every day...


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