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I've Been Proven Wrong...

Friday, July 12, 2024

"Why did you say that nobody will be happy with what you're about to say? This is an important topic that needs to be talked about."

That was one of the comments that I saw after putting up THIS POST, which I thought would be controversial...

At the beginning of the video I say "Fair warning, most people aren't going to like what I'm about to say...", which is what the above comment was referring to...

But I was wrong...

As it turns, every comment I got across 6 platforms was affirming or positive in some way.

I'm not sharing this story to tell you that what I have to say is right (although, I like to think I'm moving in that direction, however imperfectly)...

The point is to help you be open to speaking your thoughts, even when you feel like people around you will disagree with what you have to say...

Because you may be pleasantly surprised, as I was, to see how much support you have on your side.


I'm reminded of a line from the movie, The Boondock Saints, when a priest is giving a sermon about speaking up...

He says "We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of fear that we must fear most...and that is the indifference of good men."

Something to think about the next time you contemplate biting your tongue.

Until next time, here's your 1% growth everyday...


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