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Leave Your Frustrations at the Door

Monday, August 19, 2024

Last week was a good test for my frustration tolerance...

There was never one big problem I had to overcome that put me over the edge...

It was more like a bunch of small, tedious problems that compounded on top of each other...

If you're a functioning human being at any level, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

The trick in those instances is to not let those previous frustrations stick around too long, which then leads to a quicker compounding effect, which then leads, inevitably, to a break down.

One trick that helps me, and one that I use on daily basis, is the doorway technique...

Essentially, I like to envision that every doorway I walk through is an opportunity to do 2 things:

#1) Wash away any negative bullsh*t I built up throughout the day and...

#2) Reset my intention to the present and future...not the nonsense from the past.


Be intentional about letting go of the frustrations you have as you go about your day.

There is absolutely ZERO benefit of hanging onto them and only the downside of making yourself miserable.

When you walk through your next doorway, let that sh*t go.

Until next time, here's to your 1% growth every day...


​P.S. Speaking of being intentional, if you haven't grabbed your free ALPHA LIFE Action Plan yet, it's time to do so. Intention is literally built into it.

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