Saturday, May 25, 2024
When I was a youngster, there was a TV spot called TGIF (Thank God It's Friday) when a handful of shows would play Friday afternoon, which gave us, as kids, something to "look forward to".
As I look back, I realize that was only the beginning of our conditioning to believe that it's normal to wish away the week and celebrate when the weekend comes around.
While NO ONE ON EARTH is uber-excited to attack their life or their job every single day, it's also not "normal" to wish the majority of your life away, condemning that time as a "necessary evil" so you can be "happy" during your free time.
Work is not a necessary is a necessary part of the human's a requirement to have and feel fulfillment throughout your life. There's a reason why, when men retire from their careers after decades of work, they tend to deteriorate quickly and get grumpy and angry...they've lost their major purpose in life.
When you feel the urge to wish the week away, remind yourself that today is a gift...a blessing that was given to you, not a right that you earned.