Build UNSTOPPABLE Self-Confidence w/ this Simple 4-Step Process

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The Procedure for Creating Discipline​

Thursday, August 29, 2024

The #1 character trait to be able to achieve ANYTHING is discipline.

The problem is, if you want to build it, the idea of "discipline" is abstract...

You know it when you see it and, conversely, you know when you don't have it...

But if I tell you to get more "disciplined", what does that really mean?

Well, discipline, like any character trait, is really just a set of procedures...actions that you take to create the thing called "discipline".

For instance, a handful of procedures that generate discipline include...

Going to be at the same time every day...

Focusing on one task at a time...

Saying "NO" to things don't move you toward your goal...

Following through with your word when you say you're going to do something...

And the list goes on.


The trick to building any skill or ability is figuring out what actions you need to take.

Breaking skills down into actionable steps makes them more concrete and less abstract.

Ask yourself "what are the actions I need to take to get X?"

Until next time, here's to your 1% growth every day...


​P.S. The main focus on the 90-day Action Planner is taking goals and skills and breaking them down into steps. Get your free copy HERE and build yourself into the person you know you can be.

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