Wednesday, September 18, 2024
This morning I had coffee with a good friend and mentor...
He was asking how things are going and I mentioned that the podcast was doing well and that our social media was growing.
I also told him I was looking for businesses to buy, because, as I've realized the last few months, the thing I love about running a company is problem solving with a Team and helping the Team to grow, improve, and do their work better.
"It sounds like you're starting to focus more on the winning the inner game."
Me: "What do you mean by that?"
"Most people focus on winning the outer game...having money, buying cars, keeping up with the Jones'...instead of focusing on the inner metrics that matter to them...playing to their inner strengths, fulfilling a purpose that matters."
Me: "Yea, I've definitely gained clarity on what my strengths are and how I can use them to fulfill a bigger purpose."
"The cool thing is, when you play to win the inner game, it actually makes winning the outer game easier. If you do the inverse, you almost always lose the inner game."
Remember that the external stuff is fun to have and worth shooting for...but not as the sole end game.
When you win the inner game, there's much less resistance as you try to win the outer game.
Until next time, here's to your 1% growth every day...