Saturday, May 18, 2024
Diets don’t work. I’m sure you’ve said that to yourself every time you’ve tried and failed on a diet. Considering the average person tries “dieting” around 20 times in their lifetime, statistics would seem to bear that out.
But we’re asking ourselves the wrong question when it comes to changing our diet. We’re asking “what diet is going to get me this quick result?” and other similar questions that make us choose something unsustainable. And there are many other areas of our mindset that keep us from making progress, from lacking willpower, to lacking motivation, and so on.
Those are the questions we tackle today, based primarily around an interview that Chris Williamson did with author Johann Hari regarding why so many people are jumping on the semaglutide train and why previous efforts to change haven’t worked.
Here’s what we talk about…
Be sure to connect with Jerry and the Good Wolf Project: