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You May Not be Ready for This Yet...

Friday, June 14, 2024

I'm in the process of re-reading a book by Dr. Joe Dispenza called Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. I first read the book in 2019 and, to be honest, didn't really understand much of it.

Not because it's full of scientific terms or technical jargon...

But because my mind wasn't prepared to accept what Joe was saying about ME...that the reason I have a hard time changing my behavior is that I'm addicted to the feelings and emotions I currently create.

I know, sounds crazy, right. But, as it turns out, it's also true.

I know that it's true because, over the past 6 months as I've reflected on my recent divorce and business closing, I've done A LOT of looking inward.

And I've recognized that body will keep pulling my back toward certain feelings and emotions, even though I know they're not supportive of the person I want to be or the goals I want to achieve.

But that's not the point...

The point is, when you hear an idea that sounds crazy the first time you hear it, there's a chance that you're just not ready to understand it yet.

So don't go brushing off that "crazy ideas' just yet...they may change your life when you're ready to understand them down the road.


The next time you hear an idea that sounds crazy to you, park it in the back of your mind for later review. There's a good chance it'll come in handy at some point.

Until next time, get out there and step into growth...


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